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AMO/QI Seminar Dr. Sophia Economou, Virginia Tech

  • 375 Physics North (map)

Please join us for this week’s AMO/QI seminar featuring Dr. Sophia Economou from Virginia Tech. She will be presenting a talk titled: Spin-photon interfaces: control and distribution of entanglement

Spin-photon interfaces are ubiquitous in quantum information processing and also feature intriguing physics culminating from the interplay of spin-spin, spin-photon, and spin-field interactions. In these systems, of particular interest are entangled states of nuclear spins, which can be used as quantum memories, and of photonic qubits, which can be used to transmit information robustly. I will discuss the dynamics of these systems and applications to quantum networks and photonic quantum computing.

Sophia Economou is a Professor and the T. Marshall Hahn Chair in Physics at Virginia Tech. She is also the director of the Virginia Tech Center for Quantum Information Science and Engineering. She focuses on theoretical research in quantum information science, including quantum computing, quantum communications, and quantum simulation algorithms.