Please join us for a presenation by Dr. Mohan Sarovar from Sandia National Laboratory.
Title: Quantum algorithms and applications research at Sandia
Abstract: The Quantum Algorithms and Applications Collaboratory (QuAAC) is a group of scientists at Sandia National Laboratories working to answer the questions, "what might quantum computers be used for?" and "what kinds of advantages might they offer over conventional classical computers?". In this talk I will present two recent research results from QuAAC.
The first studies digitized adiabatic state preparation using quantum computers and derives improved error bounds on such state preparation circuits. I will show that state preparation error scales much better than expected from generic Trotter error bounds, and that this is a result of a remarkable “self-healing” property of digitized adiabatic evolution, whereby diabatic errors early in the evolution are fixed at later times.
The second result I will present is a scalable protocol for verifying the output of quantum computations. This is becoming a prominent problem in the field as hardware matures to scales where classical simulation of executable quantum circuits is impossible. By combining time-reversed dynamics and randomization we design a method, mirror circuit fidelity estimation (MCFE), for verifying output fidelity that can scale to devices with hundred and thousands of qubits. I will present an outline of MCFE and numerical demonstrations of the method.