Please join us for a seminar by Dr. Ruben Verresen, HQI Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University
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Passcode: 123456
Seminar Title: Many-body entanglement and topology in quantum devices: from Hamilton(ians) to Galois
One of the most remarkable discoveries in quantum physics is that long-range entangled qubits can give rise to emergent gauge fields and collective excitations with exotic ('anyonic') exchange statistics. Despite the importance of such 'topological' states for quantum information processing, they are extremely challenging to find in materials. In this talk, we explore how novel bottom-up quantum devices---built atom by atom, qubit by qubit---challenge this status quo. In particular, one can engineer many-body interactions such that topological properties emerge at low energies, with experimental data on Rydberg atom tweezer arrays. In a complementary digital approach, topological long-range entanglement is obtained from shallow circuits with measurements and feedforward, with experimental data on cold ions. By using wave function collapse, the latter route avoids fundamental constraints imposed by locality and unitarity, leading to a surprising connection to the unsolvability of the quintic.