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Jaewook Ahn, KAIST

  • 375 Physics South (map)

Please join us for a seminar given by of Jaewook Ahn (KAIST).

Title: Quantum programming of prime-number factorization with Rydberg atom graphs

Abstract: Currently there are growing interests in using Rydberg atom graphs for quantum computing of classically intractable problems, for example, the non-deterministic polynomial-time (NP) problems. It has been identified some NP problems are easily implementable with intrinsic Hamiltonians of interacting Rydberg atoms, of which atom arrangements define the problems in such a way that their solutions are compilable from the ground states of the Rydberg many-body Hamiltonians [1]. In the talk, we first review our recent Rydberg-atom experiments performed for the Maximum Independent Set (MIS) of planar and nonplanar graphs implemented with atoms used as data qubits and quantum wires [2,3], and then we discuss experimental efforts towards other NP and NP-complete problems such as the 3-Satisfiability [4] and prime-number factorization problems.
[1] H. Pichler et al., “Quantum optimization for maximum independent set using Rydberg atom arrays,” arXiv:1808.10816 (2018).
[2] M. Kim et al., “Rydberg Quantum Wires for Maximum Independent Set Problems," Nature Physics 18, 755 (2022).
[3] A. W. Byun et al., “Finding the maximum independent sets of Platonic graphs using Rydberg atoms," PRX Quantum 3, 030305 (2022).
[4] S. Jeong et al., "Quantum programming of the satisfiability problem using Rydberg atom graphs," preprint (2023).  

Earlier Event: February 8
Luca Victor Iliesiu, Stanford University
Later Event: February 22
Qual Club